11 Must Read Books For Students That Boost Your Life


Okay, So guys we are back again with another mind-blowing article that is 11 must-read books for students.  This is a Must-Read Post If you are a student and got frustrated with your daily routine, work, and study. Do you need some motivation? Want to stay positive all the time? Then you are in right place.

Must read books for students
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Today I am gonna tell you those super powerful 11 amazing books for students you must read. See in my view every book gonna teach us something new and valuable. Reading can’t be waste of time in any way.

The best way to learn is by reading. And the best thing one can do to focus and create something is to read anything which is not related to your professional goals. So if you are from a technical field, try reading some autobiographies, fictional books, spiritual books anything which allows you to explore a different world that you can not witness in your professional life.

If you are a student read something which is not related to your subjects. You can try some spiritual books and books that teach you life lessons. Anything which lets you gain knowledge about other subjects and fields is the best gift you can give to yourself. So now let’s start with the books every student should read.

"There is no friend as loyal as a book."

Table of Contents

Must Read Books for Students. 📚

Every book says something and a good book not only says it but also listens to us. Tries to know us. Tells us where we are and where we can be. So here is my top favorite list of best books to read for students. So let’s start with books that every student must read once. 

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links and I could earn a small commission if you make a purchase using one. This comes at no additional cost to you and all opinions are based on my experience.

1. How to Win Friend and Influence People

This book has been written by Dale Carnegie. Even though this book was first published back in 1936, the principles taught in this book still remain relevant today. In his book, Carnegie teaches us techniques and strategies to handle people, how to win people over to your way of thinking, and how to be a great leader who others actually want to follow.

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This is the best book for anyone, who is not good at socializing, especially for someone who runs a business or works in a corporate.

The author starts out by entrusting us with 8 rules for getting the best out of the book, which seems to me to be highly relevant and applicable to any number of non-fiction books.

Here are the 8 rules the author mentioned in the books for readers :

1. Have a great desire for learning and apply the principles that drive communications and relationships between human beings.
2. Read every chapter twice before going on to the next one.
3. Interrupt our readings frequently to ask ourselves about our personal possibilities for applying every principle.
4. Underline important ideas.
5. Reading the book every month.
6. Practice the principles whenever the opportunity presents itself.
7. Transform the book into a fun game: ask our friends to pay a penalty whenever they surprise us by breaking the rules.
8. Monitor the progress that we make each week. Ask ourselves what mistakes we have made, what progress we have made, and what lessons we have learned.

2. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

This book has been written by Hector Garcia and Albert Liebermann. In Japan, millions of people have ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy)— a reason to jump out of bed each morning.


ikigai is seen as the convergence of four primary elements:
★ What you love (your passion)
★ What the world needs (your mission)
★ What you are good at (your vocation)
★ What you can get paid for (your profession)

Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
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In this book, the author said you to find your ikigai by questioning yourself such as
✍ What do I love?
✍ What am I good at?
✍ What can I be paid for now or in the future?
✍What does the world need?

If you are a student and confused about your future that what should you do to live a happy life. I would highly recommend this book. It will surely help you to finalize your decision.

3. As a Man Thinketh

This book written many years ago by James Allen has fundamental concepts that help us understand the importance of our thought life as spoken about in the book of proverbs in the bible (As a man thinks in the heart so is he ) not just in his mind but in his heart the two are inseparable, this book is not particularly rooted much in the scriptures or of God, but the influence is there.

The good part is it was just a tiny book of 50 pages. You can read this in 1 and 2 hours. In just 50 pages, it manages to convey the most basic keys to happiness. Habits of the mind that determine the quality of our life take time and patience to build and maintain.

Especially when we are conditioned to think in a certain manner. The language in this book may be a little difficult to follow at first but the idea is crystal clear. You create your own happiness and suffering.

You are responsible for the person you are today. So take charge of your life. I have read many books that advocate this philosophy. And this surely delivers the message in a concise manner. Do give it a read!

4. The Rudest Book Ever

This book is written by Shwetabh Gangwar, a famous YouTuber from India. This book is a hard-hitting straight-faced book that helps you find your own identity in the middle of all this chaos. It will make you laugh and ponder over your own inner thoughts at the same time I especially like the section where he talks about dealing with rejection.

Shwetabh says that typically people have 1 out of 3 reactions to rejection.
1. They feel like they’re a loser too.
2. They feel like I’m going to do really well and prove to them that I’m better than what they thought.
3. Last is about negative hate message the world is bad everyone’s bad.

He in fact goes on to tell us how all three of these reactions are in fact detrimental to us and in this book he suggests a very cute interesting and unique reaction that we should have to reject read this book if you want to have your belief shaken.

If you are in college and school life then I would like to highly recommend this book to you. You can get more ideas about this book by Shwetabh itself.

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad

I am sure you already heard about this world-famous book by Robert Kiyosaki. This book was also available in the Hindi edition too. In this book, the author wrote about his two fathers one is a rich dad (his friend’s father) and another one is a poor dad(his own father).

One(poor dad) has a collection of degrees and diplomas and the other(rich dad) is a high school drop-out. When the overqualified father dies, he will leave next to nothing behind, and even a few unpaid bills here and there. The school drop-out father will become one of the richest men in Hawaii and will pass on an empire to his son.

Throughout his life, the former would say things like “I can’t afford to treat myself to this or that”, while the latter would say: “How can I treat myself?”

The rich father in this book teaches two small boys some invaluable lessons about money through their own experiences. The most important one is undoubtedly to understand how to best use your mind and your time to create your own wealth through business and investments.

Get out of the rat race. Learn how to seize opportunities, find solutions, take care of your business and investments and most especially, learn how to make money work for you and not be its slave! If you are gonna do business after the study or planning for a startup I would say must read this book. It will surely help you in your life.

6. Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill wrote this book as he was inspired by more than 500 business magnates of that time. This is my all-time favorite book since I connected to most of the contents of the book during my own journey to discover myself and achieve success in my life.

It has been suggested this should be taught as a textbook in high school and no children should be allowed to graduate before understanding the contents of this book and passing an exam.

If you ask 10 people around you what they want in their life. The answer will vary from Security, Financial freedom, a New house, a Better job, Freedom, etc. These broad terms answers will have no definite plan to achieve what they want but many of us wouldn’t know how to do it. If you have the same wish and dream but don’t know how to do it, then this book is definitely for you.

The contents of this book are very easy to understand and break down the philosophy of self-help and success in 13 easy chapters. Many of the modern age Self Help Guru and Speaker have the contents applied in their own work and made millions in the process.

Therefore, if you are looking to learn about the science of success and accumulating riches or wealth, look no further and learn and apply principles in your life.

If you want to be Millionaire, then it’s much better to learn from a millionaire. You can apply the same concept to anything in your life. If you want to be happy, positive, and successful, learn from somebody who has achieved that same level of success in his life already. You will be able to learn and copy the idea in your own life.


7. See you at the top

This book comes on the seventh number on the list of must-read books for students. In this book, author Zig Ziglar who is a famous motivational speaker too wrote that we can be anything that we want to be.

If you are in college and it was your first year. This book can be a masterpiece for you. This is really amazing and helps you to know what should you have to do in your life.

The author told us to take the baby steps. Don’t panic. He also told about associating with positive people. Zig’s 6 steps to success and happiness are Self Image, Relationships with others, Goals, Attitude, Work, and Desire.

8. Thinking Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman who is a Nobel Prize winner wrote this incredible book that dives into the mysterious world of our conscious and unconscious thinking patterns. This is one book that anybody, who has the slightest desire to understand the way our mind makes decisions and occasionally makes errors, should read.

Behavioral Economics students will especially find in the book a comprehensive handheld introduction to the nuances of the subject. But even beyond the disciplines of psychology and economics, I strongly recommend this book to the layperson too.

If you find the beginning a bit too technical, I urge you to stay put. The overall experience by the end will be most enriching and rewarding.

This is one of the rare books which when I read will make me stop and ponder for a while, is the idea expressed by the author sounds logical to me or not? By then, I already knew the human mind/mental framework comprises Systems 1 and 2. We thought we are rational but all the time we are confounded with bias, anchor, and WYSIATI (What you see is all there is).

Through the book, you get to participate in so many experiments that always get you. Plus you are told about different researches performed by other psychologists. So completely worth getting this book.

9. The Alchemist

This book is written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho in 1988. It was initially written and published in the Portuguese language. It is an international bestseller and has been translated into more than 70 languages till yet. The book is relatively short having around 167 pages only. The theme of this book is about finding one’s destiny or purpose in life.

The Alchemist is a fantastic book and the storytelling is really beautiful. The story is about a Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is Santiago. He keeps getting the same dream about treasures that are lying in the Pyramids of Egypt.

The choice of words is impeccable, full of wisdom and philosophy. I totally loved it. The story is very enchanting and bursts with optimism which I think is very important in our lives. The book shows that the journey to your destiny is as important as the destination itself.

10. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny

The monk who sold his Ferrari is one of the must-read books. Being in the fast-moving world It’s very important for all of us to understand how life is going. Despite the fact that many people realize about life in the 80s and regret that they have not done anything in life that makes their life valuable, why not take a break and understand what actually life is.

This book by Robin Sharma is an alarm for everyone to wake up and understand what life is. Robin Sharma here introduced the Julian mantle, who spent his whole life earning money leaving everything else, and finally got stuck when he suffered from a severe heart attack in the 60s.

This book is highly recommended by my side. It really inspires me a lot. Here are a few most interesting quotes from these books that made this book on the list of  must-read books for students: 

✪ Don’t live the same day 80 times and call it a life.
✪ You laugh not because you are happy, you are happy because you laugh.
✪ We live in an age when we have forgotten what life is all about.
✪ Success lies in being true to yourself and living life on your own terms.
✪ If you don’t even know where you are going, how will you ever know when you get there?
✪ I would say you must give it a try and let me know your experience with this book in the comment section.

11. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life

We know “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” But not everyone knows how to create a successful morning. This strategy we can learn from the book “The 5 am club” by Robin Sharma.
the 5 am club
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This book is a practical narration of things that could be followed by everyone who has a strong grit and attitude in life to achieve something which could help oneself and others.

This book by Robin Sharma does clear the way of waking up early in the morning with all the facts. And why it has been difficult to wake up early all these years and how to overcome it via various step-by-step guides to own your morning. All of them are easily implementable.

Yes, the book does test your patience till the 8th chapter because of the fictional storyline. I personally did not mind the fictional part. I felt it somehow worked as a light reading because of all the heavy content

You know people who wake up early are mostly leaders. So If you are a student you also need to wake up early. Not just waking up at 5 am is quite enough. No in this book you will get the idea that what to do after waking up. Again highly recommend the book for students.


Success, ambition, dreams, money, luxuries nothing comes easy and everything has a price that you have to earn. There are no shortcuts to success so don’t bother wasting time considering that easy option.

The tighter you sleep when you could burn the midnight oil the sleepless you will be in your future so wake up as the hard work you put in your 20s is going to define you in the long run. I hope you liked the list of some top and best books to read for students.

So Stay Positive all the time and do your best. Thanks for giving your valuable time to read the post. If you really liked the post, please consider sharing it on your social media accounts. We will be thankful for your act of kindness.

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must read books for students in life
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Sweety Joshi
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Sweety Joshi

Sweety Joshi is the chief writer and editor of this website and the creator of hercreativeblog.com With years of experience, she has developed a unique voice that resonates with her readers. Sweety is passionate about exploring new ideas and sharing her expertise on beauty, health, fashion, and lifestyle topics with others.

38 thoughts on “11 Must Read Books For Students That Boost Your Life”

  1. I have taken the knowledge from 3 books out of 10 in your list ????.

    amd, Currently, I am reading “The Power of Subconscious Mind” book which also a mind changing book.

    Well,Thanks Sweety for this knowledgeable and awesome content ????

  2. Wow I can see my favourite books in this list. Ikagai is one of the best book. I have learned so many things from this book. Great list dear.

  3. ‘Read every chapter twice before moving to the next chapter’ -Key to better memorise and better understanding.I always do this❤️✨

  4. Seems all the book have great contents which can helps to motivate,keep calm,happy, enthusiastic, achievers etc .will read these books soon to get some great changes in my life.

  5. You have really sorted out a good collection of books to read for students. This is a great list for students who are looking for something different to read. The books on this list are sure to keep students engaged and excited about reading. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I have read the monk who sold his ferrari, rich dad poor dad and also the alchemist and these are one of the best and thought changing books for me. Thanks for including them. I recommend it to everyone to read it atleast once in lifetime ❤️

  7. I am not fond of book reading but some of them are in my bucket list . I will read ikigai, rich dad poor dad and a monk who sold his ferrari . I am sure I am gonna read 3 of them . Thanks for suggestions and reminding me .

  8. Reading is a great habit that students must inculcate early on. This list of books is really very nice and each one of them is inspiring. For me, the pick of the lot has to be, “The Alchemist,” and “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.”

  9. Reading books is one skill I focus to instil with my daughters. I’ve took notes on the books you’ve recommended and will see which is age appropriate for the girls to read. Being an avid reader as well, I know how important reading skills can help and be used in life.

  10. These are some really good collection of books to read for students. That’s a good list for students who are looking for something different to read.

  11. I love how you chose your blogging topics, it’s very unique and offers a lot of helpful information. I can see my favorite books in your list, which is great! Thank you for sharing this article, it was very insightful.

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